Health and Wellness coach for expectant parents.

You Need Someone By Your Side

Because you don't know what you don't know

Personal newborn coaching sessions (Via Zoom)

Parent with confidence

Helps YOU decide what is right for your family

Bridge the gap between traditional advice and real, hands-on parenting

Satisfaction 100% guaranteed

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100% Risk Free,

30 Day Money-back Guarantee

If for whatever reason, during the first 30 days of us working together, you are not THRILLED with the idea of having me by your side throughout your entire journey, just let me know and I'll refund your investment.

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Frequently Asked questions

As a new baby health coach, I can help you to be in the driver's seat and ultimately do parenting right. There are choices you can make for YOUR ideal mom journey. I'm here to help you achieve your family goals!

I help with feeding, new baby care, sleep training and so much more.  No need to gather more than one resource, I can provide all that support and customize for YOUR specific needs.  With 25 years of pediatric experience I am here to help you tackle any challenge that comes your way.  

There's not just one formula for success.  Let me help guide you to what works for you and your baby.

A doula traditionally is a person that serves to help women in their pregnancy and immediately after child birth.  They do not have a formal licensure process, but doulas may be present during childbirth to provide emotional and physical support.

FIRST BREATHS TO FIRST STEPS is a comprehensive program to support new moms from birth all the way to your baby's first birthday.  My pediatric medical background is meant to compliment your traditional health care provider's advice.  Coaching and answering YOUR concerns before they become problems, FIRST STEPS TO FIRST BREATHS  is there every step along the way!  My engagement with your family is a high touch coaching product delivered by scheduled, 1:1 sessions to help you confidently transition from pregnant to parent. 

That's exactly what you're supposed to have!

When parents work with me, my role is not to replace any of their healthcare providers, but to compliment and work along side them; be it a family doc, a pediatrician or an OBGYN.

My role is to help you safely navigate all the questions and doubts that pop up during your first few days as a mom and first 12 months of your baby's life.

I work hand in hand with traditional health professionals and in this role, I am not prescribing, diagnosing or replacing your primary care providers. I am here to help you process and adopt practices that will make you a CONFIDENT parent.

When you are pregnant, EVERYONE seems to have an opinion and advice for you and what to do with your baby.

Most of them are well intentioned but, it can become overwhelming. And frankly, you're not sure how up-to-date the information is?

That's when it's valuable to have a seasoned veteran in your corner. Someone who is not just "taking sides" with your in-laws, but someone who can talk some sense into your doubts and insecurities. Someone who can  help you successfully navigate the information overload coming at you!